Podcast: Technology Giveth and Taketh Away

The Absolute Truth; Absolutely Podcast (this blog’s podcast,) is live. they’ll be available through this site and my page over at SoundCloud. (iTunes and Stitcher feeds will be made available shortly.

Here’s the description for today’s episode:

Individuals are reporting that they are more distracted, lonely, isolated and uninformed than in the past. This is ironic, considering that the advent of the Internet was supposed to bring about a new “Age of Reason” and interconnectivity. Could this all be a result of our ever-distancing act away from nature and nature’s God?

In this edition of the podcast, I talk about how people would suffer less in the so-called Information Age if they asked a crucial question every time they are sold an “emerging” technology: What does this technology ask that I sacrifice in order to use it?

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